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 Updates & Announcements

February 10-20

We are operating on our regular schedule, plus:

*New Class*: ULTRA ACCESSIBLE FLOW WITH CHAIR - Thursday 8:30am, Saturday 10am


Family Day Slow Start - 8:00 am Flow Monday, February 17



Teaching/Understanding the BASICS of a Yoga Practice - Yoga Therapy Lens

Margot Stokreef Yoga - online yoga - ultra accessible flow with chair support for all leve

*New Class*
Ultra Accessible Flow 

Full Standing Flow with accessible variations and chair support. 

Saturday 10 to 10:30 am with Chair option

Thursday 8:30 to 9:00 am with Chair option

Take a Breath

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M. T. W. Th. F.
6:30am Pilates Strength


30 minutes of Pilates STRENGTH

weights, resistance band, 9 in ball, therapy ball 

KICK ASS CLASS​ (recordings available)

Online Livestream 

​M, T, W, Th, F 6:30 - 7 am

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M. T. W. Th. F.
7:00 am Yoga Therapy Flow

​45 minute Classic Yoga Flow 

Later start time on holidays. 

Recordings Available​

Online Livestream

M, T, W, Th, F    7:00 to 7:45 am​

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Weekend Flow

Sun Salutations and a flow sequence

through classical postures.

Online Livestream

Sat 9.00am with Margot

Sun 9.00am with Peter


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Slow Flow 

Release tension, improve mobility, and build strength and stability through gentle stretches, breathing, slow flow, and meditation with Heather or Brendan.


Online Livestream
Mon. 5:15 -6.15 pm (Heather)

Wed. 4:15 (Heather)​

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Good Move
( Yoga for Seniors)

A gentle practice to improve strength, flexibility, balance and mobility. Suitable for all ages & abilities, ideal for seniors! 

Online Livestream

Tue 10.00 am


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Evening Practice to Unwind tension.  

Restorative poses and breathwork.

Cozy clothes, blanket, blocks, therapy ball, cushions. PJ's welcome!

Online Livestream

Pop Ups TBA


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Private Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy respects and honours the individual's specific needs, goals, and current capabilities. Benefits include relieving symptoms of chronic pain & joint conditions, addressing anxiety & depression, increasing mobility, and promoting injury recovery. 

Available in Person or Over Zoom

$125 + HST/hr in person

$90 + HST/hr over Zoom

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Flow, restore and slow burn- In Studio

Flow , Restore and Slow Burn Pilates - Available In Studio at SAOR.

In Studio - SAOR

Email to book

We donate a portion of your class fees to support the Special Olympics through Motionball. 

Certified Yoga Therapist and Instructor

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​© 2025 Margot Stokreef Yoga

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